31 December 2014

NYE Reflections


Well since Anelia has done her fantastic post on NYE, I'd thought of course I'd put across my thoughts. NYE for me is always a difficult one, I tend to prefer the excitement of Christmas rather than NYE and like most people, I make resolutions and nine times out of ten, I never follow through!

However this year I know I really actually will follow through, as I've tried to make my resolutions more realistic so I know I can actually meet them.

Enjoy not spending money.

Now this simply means that I am going to learn to enjoy window shopping! 2014 has been a year where I have literally spent and not thought about it. I, like most people have brought things with every intentions of wearing it or using and the return date passes and the labels are still on and its still unworn/un-used. This statement represents at least half of my wardrobe!
I need to learn that just because I am going into town it doesn't mean I need to spend money!

Save more than spend.

Having just booked a holiday of a lifetime to New York in June, I know I am going to need to also learn to save rather spend. I am not afraid to admit that I am not a good saver, I am an impulsive buyer so I need to learn to curb my habits. I am going invest in what's known as the '52 -Week challenge' every week you put money in a jar or in the bank and you save for the whole year, so for the first week you put in £1, the second week you put in £2 and so on and so forth. Now obviously if your not a full time worker you can put in whatever you can afford but I'm going to really try and stick to it! (I'll include the link and table at the bottom of the post so you can all see for yourself)

Get rid of the deadwood.

2015 for me is going to be about letting go, I will be letting go of all the dead wood in my life. I am simply not going to have people in my life who will continue to drag me down, I want people to want  to be in my life and I really don't want any more drama/negativity than necessary so I'm afraid some people will have to go.

Be more positive.

I am naturally a negative person, I do tend to see the worst in everything so 2015 will all be about me being a more positive person. I will try not let everything affect me and bring me down, I need to be more positive and hopefully a more happier person.

Less procrastination, more work.

I am now in my second year of my PhD and I really need to step up my game. PhD's are hard work and sometimes its a struggle especially when you're working too. But this year I will really try to push myself more and enjoy my PhD and hopefully this time next year I will be in the best position I can be.

So here's my little resolutions! I hope whatever resolutions our readers set, you are all successful in ! and a Happy New Year to you all!


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